Saturday, May 23, 2009

Our Greatest Fear

Our Greatest Fear —Marianne Williamson

it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other

people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.

—Marianne Williamson

So, as you see..same as what i said in my 1st blog, the speech{many said boring :( }...Everyone is important for someone may feel you are on this planet for a simple reason.. LIVE.. but you have another important task.. make others LIVE too.. 

Our deepest fear is underestimating ourselves.. we can be on the flying kite flying high now.. but just love to dig a hole insert our head into the ground like an ostrich..we have unbelieveable power!! Believe it..and there will be.. We are so powerful , we can change a person's totally!! i mean a 360 ° turn.. I read an e-mail..very meaningful..

{There was this boy,B..looked bit nerdy.. who had fall down with his pile of books.. then this guy, A when to help him..when A help B take the books.. he saw a very special smile on him.. they started to talk..they stayed around the same A decide to walk with B home that day.. soon, they became friends.. talked alot.. hang out often.. B was smart.. helped A alot in studies.. then came graduation day.. B was assigned to give a speech.. On that very day, A had a shock of his life.. that was the day he came to know B was going to suicide that particular day due to frustration in his life.. but because A had made a small step just to help him pick up the books... He saved a life.. }

Being capable of doing so much..what are we waiting for??!!! Thrive now!! Do it your way.. It may sound stupid, ridiculous,idiotic and so on.. people can say anything..but only you know thats the best way to excel.. So, y hesitate????!!! GO FOR IT!!





Thursday, May 14, 2009


As you see.. i am going to say bit of my view towards a CONVERSATION..
Basically, what is a conversation?

So.. i suppose as a word is what you need to start a conversation..right?
the "movement" of word from a place to another.. that's a conversation....

{OK}..for me.. a conversation is  divided into 3 stages..

On the way

(movement of word)

When you say something to say with a want to say..what you want to say..what you want others to understand..

This is when the word is "moving"..on the air..

This happen when the word/message reaches the person involve in the conversation..

Confusing and worthless some may say for what am i typing here..loll..
But there's a point..

actually it is like this.......
When a person starts a conversation, he/she wants to say something to another the way he/she is going to present the thoughts in words matters..largely..when thoughts presented as is important for the "filtering" process to take place, removing some sensitive/offensive/unnecessary/bold words..this way an argument is not evolved after thoughts turn to word..{HERE}

When the word leaves the mouth ON THE WAY to the ears of the listener..words may "fly"..words may be heard by someone else who should not be there to hear the environment where the conversation is being held is also arguably important..therefore..whenever a conversation start, find a good place where others don't feel offended because certain issue discussed in a conversation may not bother much for the speaker and listener but to the others there is no guarantee for be careful not to offend others for no reason getting yourself in trouble..{ON THE WAY} reaching the listeners..certain "precaution" need to be carried out..what type of listener is he/she?? will he/she accept the point i am going to point out?? what condition[mentally and physically] is he/she at present??? all these must come in your head before you even open your you different condition.. the interpretation of the conversation may be taken being prepared before a conversation is important too.. {THERE}

so, my dear readers, remember to apply the HOT system in a conversation to portray good manners and understanding towards others and maintain a good relationship.. 

please comment ya..this is all just my view.... :D

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

1 Down...... 7 to go...

The maths paper was ok la..i was like never finishing all the question in a maths question normally..but for today's went well..hehe..just 1 or 2 sub questions.. but..... after the exam..........................................

hmmm.. as usual..  everyone will gather in group talking about the answer!!! I don't want to hear..but heard aso.. =.="

seem to be few careless mistakes.. as usual...........

Anyway..hope can get an A.. as i feel now is the possibilities to obtain an A and B 50:50....

hope for the best ba.. 

Tommorrow biology 3(practical)... this paper 3 is like do or die.. considerably the best paper to pull your overall marks up or way down... so good luck to all A - levels student..
i heard the paper going to be a shock for the candidates!!! worrrrryyyy......